Society & Culture

A Random Thought on Truth

I’ve been noticing this trend regarding “Truth” and how we define it.  Throughout all of history, “Truth” no matter big or small, was often unpopular and unwelcomed.  Truth is a tricky one because it forces inward reflection, often having honest and uncomfortable conversations within our thoughts as we evaluate information.  The term “Speaking truth to power” has always meant pointing out falsehoods and injustices that are acted out by those of the highest influence and social class onto the working and lower social classes.  This is why throughout all of world history as well as American history, those that spoke authentic truth to power were met with attempted silencing or often worse, assassination.  Whether it be Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Bobby Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Malcom X, the list is endless, authentic truth-tellers were forcefully silenced to try to end the message being put forth as it threatened the power, control, and wealth of those that are of the social elite class.  Today, we’re seeing a complete inverse of this.  Within the past few years we’ve seen an increase in social activism from our media, government, corporations, and universities.  I do find it curious that those that pull all of the levers of power are in uniformed support for these social causes.  When those that prosper in wealth and power the most from uniformity of thought are in-agreement with the social revolutionaries, something feels amiss.  A common theme of the historic truth-tellers is their organic popularity among the working and lower social classes and the unpopularity amongst those of influence, again, in 2022 we’re seeing a complete inverse of this concept.  This is how we get the phrase, “A man of the people.”  Today, those that are “Representing Truth” are highly motivated to position their opinions in a particular way.  When the “Truth Tellers” of the day are championing for control of speech, the federal government’s expansion of power, and big pharma who just settled a 3 billion dollar lawsuit for criminal practices, they are not speaking the thoughts of the working and lower classes, they’re serving the interests of those in power.  It is largely the working class that are against the culture wars taking place and are against the social activist ideology and it’s causes.  We’ve seen this with “Defund the police,” the people that were statistically most against the idea were those that reside in the urban communities, across all races.  Those that support the positions of the social activist causes are the corporations who want the unwanted attention of the mob to go away, the social elite, the suburban & affluent, and the college-educated demographics of people indicating to me a collective class-guilt as the messages often within the narratives work against the best interests of the working and lower classes. The working classes of our downriver area and Macomb county are no longer represented, left behind by a sense of out-of-touch elitism.  I myself am not a supporter of Donald Trump, but this is how he was able to win the position of office when not long ago that was a completely inconceivable thought.  It’s easy to say it was because of racism or “The deplorables” but that is just a convenient excuse that does not require inward reflection and a re-evaluation of thought and messaging of a group supposedly meant to represent the working class.  This is in no-way a political endorsement of anyone or anything, believe me, I wish “Truth” was not entangled in the political sphere when it is often the antithesis of it.  We’ve seen this with the government’s handling of covid.  Through the Freedom of Information Act we can see in plain-site via emails from our health institutions and their leaders that they believed the source of Covid-19 was from the covid-virus lab that we funded through the National Institute of Health.  And yet, in the protection of the government and big pharma, even drawing a connection from the wuhan institute of virology to the virus that originally infected workers of the lab that were working on the exact covid virus was labeled “anti-asian hate speech” and was censored from social media.  I feel like with the gift of hindsight we look at the historical heroes of our past and think “Great Dude,” or “What a pioneer” but we forget that at their time of active influence they were met with disdain, often seen as a pariah.  Truth is often unpopular in the moment, it is reason enough for pause and to evaluate information when those of power and influence seek to silence it.

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